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Clerk Shift - Night Auditor Key Report .ng

Clerk Shift

Report Description:  Provides detailed information on payment information, deposit drop information, shift details and paid out summary for a defined date. 

Date Range: This report can render the data for up to 365 days

Payment Information section:  The Payment Information section lists all forms of payment accepted by the property, and shows Actual, Adjusted and Net Today figures for each during the selected shift. 

Available Report Columns for Following Sections:

Column Name

Column Description

Amount Includes Taxes and Fees



This column shows the actual amount of each type for the current day.

Not Applicable



This column shows any adjustments made to the actual amounts, such as corrections, refunds, or reallocations. 

Not Applicable


Net Today

Net represents the overall revenue after the adjusted value has been deducted from the actual revenue for the given time period. 

Not Applicable 

=sum(actuals) - (adjusted)

Note: Payment Type items listed in this section vary according to the forms of payment accepted by the property.  Below are the most common payment types every property will have.

Deposit Drop Information section:  The Deposit Information section lists all property deposits during the selected shift, broken down by Payment Type used by the property to make the deposit, and shows Actual, Adjusted and Net Today figures for each.

Payment Types:

Advance Deposit Payments:  amounts paid before the guest arrives to check-in for their stay.

Guest Payments:  amounts paid on the guest folio.

Reservation Payments:  amounts paid on reservations.

Direct Bill Payments:  amounts paid to an invoice in direct bill.

House Account Payments:  amounts paid to a folio on a house account.

Summary section:  The Summary section lists Actual, Adjusted and Net Today figures for Cash Drops (aka “Safe Drops”) during the selected shift, comparing the system-calculated total of cash taken in during the selected shift to the total of actual drops and calculating any difference. Shortages are indicated with (-), as shown in the example below.

Available Types:

Total Cash Drops:  total amount of cash dropped for the day.

Calculated Deposit:  total calculated deposit amount for the day.

Due Back:  total amount due back for the day.

Cash Over / Short:  total amount over or short for the day.

Shift Details section:  The Shift Details section lists the users who started (open) shifts and ended (closed) shifts and what user closed the shift.  Note:   if a user forgets to close their shift, the shift will be closed during the Night Audit process.  In this case, the Closed By user would be the Night Auditor. 

Available Report Columns for Following Sections:

Column Name

Column Description

Amount Includes Taxes and Fees



A Username is a special name given to a person to uniquely identify them in the PMS.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Start Time

An Start Time is the time the user clicked “Start Shift” in the PMS.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

End Time

An End Time is the time the user clicked “End Shift” in the PMS.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Closed By

Closed By is the username that closed the Shift. 

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Paid Out Summary section:  The Paid Out Summary section lists any withdrawals against petty cash / the property account, including the Expense Type logged for the draw, Amount of the draw, Time of the draw, and Username of the staff member who made the draw.  

Available Report Columns for Following Sections:

Column Name

Column Description

Amount Includes Taxes and Fees


Expense Type

Expense type logged for the withdrawal.  Example:  Guest Paid Out

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Amount paid out or withdrew 

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Time the transaction was made in the system

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


A Username is a special name given to a person to uniquely identify them in the PMS.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Summary Payment by User section:  The Summary Payment By User section lists the total payment type amount (Net) collected by username for the defined report period.

Available Report Columns for Following Sections:

Column Name

Column Description

Amount Includes Taxes and Fees



A Username is a special name given to a person to uniquely identify them in the PMS.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Payment Time

Listed in this section vary according to the forms of payment accepted by the property.

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Net revenue collected for the given time period by username.  

Not Applicable

=sum(actuals) - (adjusted)

Misc Report Information:

Available Features:

  • Export:  ability to download and save the file into an alternate format.

  • Filter:  filter a range of data based on criteria defined by the user.

  • Highlight:  also known as conditional formatting is the ability to highlight certain values making them easier to identify.

Available Configuration:

  • User Preferences:  allows the user to customize their report view by repositioning or removing columns.

  • Property Preferences:  allows the property to customize the report view for all users by repositioning or removing columns. 

  Baseline Configuration:

  • Property Preferences Settings:

    • Following columns to be disabled for initial deployment:

      • None

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