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Getting Started with TrainKey

What is TrainKey?

TrainKey is HotelKey’s state-of-the-art embedded training product called TrainKey allows users to instrument every application, flow, and screen with tags to provide a completely self-guided training tool to significantly reduce staff onboarding and training time.

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Built-in tooltips allow users to dramatically reduce lengthy training sessions and expenses, and allow for a self-guided experience. Enterprises have shared that this has taken their time to train from 40 hours to 4 hours for general system functionality.

TrainKey: Terminology 




A TrainKey walkthrough or “flow”


A container of Topics. Used for organizing and deploying to properties


Alerts users to upcoming events or important items 

TrainKey Topics

  • TrainKey Topics are walkthrough scenarios that teach the user how to perform a task in real time

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TrainKey Tracks

  • TrainKey Topics are aligned and categorized into TrainKey Tracks

  • Can be aligned by roles and applicable to specific properties

  • Examples

    • Front Desk

    • Housekeeping and Maintenance

    • Group Management

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Using TrainKey

To use TrainKey, simply follow the below steps:

  1. Log into HotelKey. Select a property, and click the Front Desk module.

  2. You’ll be taken to the HotelKey Dashboard view.

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  1. On the bottom left hand side of the dashboard, click the “TrainKey” button.

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  1. Upon clicking TrainKey, a menu will appear:

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  1. To get started, click on the relevant track (category).

  2. Select a topic or search for one in the Search Topic bar.

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  1. Once a topic is selected, the system will walk you through how to complete the task, step by step.

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  1. Once the topic (task) has been completed, the screen will indicate that “Training Mode Completed Successfully”.

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