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Hotel Statistics GM Key Report .ng

Hotel Statistics

Report Description:  Provides detailed information on room statistics, performance statistics, revenue performance, revenue statistics, taxes, payments, guest statistics, guest performance statistics, today's activity, forecast guest statistics, and forecast performance statistics for a defined date.

Date Range: This report can render the data for up to 365 days in the past

Available Report Columns for the Following Sections: 

Column Name

Column Description

Amount Includes Taxes and Fees


Actual Today

This column shows the actual amount (gross revenue) of each type for the current day.

Not Applicable

=sum(actual today)


This column shows the cumulative total of each type from the beginning of the month until the current day.

Not Applicable



This column shows the cumulative total of each type for the same period in the previous year, providing a basis for comparison.

Not Applicable



This column shows the cumulative total of each type from the beginning of the year until the current day.

Not Applicable



This column shows the cumulative total of each type for the same period in the previous year, providing a basis for comparison.

Not Applicable


Room Statistics section:  Provides detailed information on room sold production compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Total Rooms: total count of all rooms.

Clean:  count of all rooms in clean status.

Dirty:  count of all rooms in dirty status.

Out of Order:  count of all out of order rooms.

Same Day Checkout:  count of rooms scheduled for the same day.

Stay Overs:  count of rooms with scheduled stay over guests.

Comp Rooms:  count of complimentary rooms.

House Rooms:  count of run of house rooms.

Rooms Sold:  count of sold rooms.

Rooms Sold Excluding Comps & House Use Rooms:   count of rooms sold excluding complementary and house rooms.

Performance Statistics section:   Provides information on occupancy performance compared to today, MTD, LY-MTD,YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Occupancy Including Down, Comp, House Use Rooms:  occupancy percent calculated by dividing the total number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms available (including down rooms, comp rooms and house use rooms) during the defined period (today, MTD, LY-MTD, YTD and LY-YTD.)

Occupancy Excluding Down, Comp, House Use Rooms:  occupancy percent calculated by dividing the total number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms available (excluding down rooms, comp rooms and house use rooms) during the defined period (today, MTD, LY-MTD, YTD and LY-YTD.)

Occupancy Including Down Rooms and Excluding Comp, House Use Rooms:  occupancy percent calculated by dividing the total number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms available (including down rooms and excluding comp rooms and house use rooms) during the defined period (today, MTD, LY-MTD, YTD and LY-YTD.)

Occupancy Excluding Down Rooms and Including Comp, House Use Rooms:  occupancy percent calculated by dividing the total number of occupied rooms by the total number of rooms available (excluding down rooms and including comp rooms and house use rooms) during the defined period (today, MTD, LY-MTD, YTD and LY-YTD.)

Revenue Performance section:   Provides detailed information on Average Daily Rate & Revenue Per Available Rooms compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

ADR Including Comp and House Use Rooms:  average daily rate (ADR) is calculated by room revenue / number of rooms sold (including comp and house use rooms) during the defined period (today, M-T-D, LY-M-T-D, etc.)

ADR Excluding Comp and House House Rooms:  average daily rate (ADR) is calculated by room revenue / number of rooms sold (excluding comp and house use rooms) during the defined period (today, M-T-D, LY-M-T-D, etc.)

RevPAR with Down Rooms:  revenue per available room (RevPAR) is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate by its occupancy rate during the defined period (today, M-T-D, LY-M-T-D, etc.)

RevPAR:  revenue per available room (RevPAR) is calculated by multiplying a hotel's average daily room rate by its occupancy rate during the defined period (today, M-T-D, LY-M-T-D, etc.)

Revenue Statistics section:  Provides detailed revenue performance statistics by charge type description compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Note: Charge Types (description) items listed in this section vary according to the charge types at each property.  Below are a couple common types most properties will have.

Taxes section:  Provides detailed information on tax types production compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Note: Tax types listed in this section vary according to the tax types at each property.  Below are a couple common tax types most properties will have.

Taxable City Tax:  a local tax is an assessment by a state, county, or municipality to fund public services.

Exempted City Tax:  reservations that are free from city tax.

Taxable State Tax:  a local tax is an assessment by a state, county, or municipality to fund public services.

Exempted State Tax:  reservations that are free from city tax.

Payments section:  Provides detailed information on payment types production compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Note: Payment types listed in this section vary according to the payment types at each property.  Below are a couple common payment types most properties will have.

Balance Forward Payment Type:  payment type used to bring payments or deposits from a legacy PMS into HotelKey during PMS migration.

Bill to Company:  payment type used to send the folio balance to Accounts Receivable (AR).  

Cash:  cash transactions refer to the exchange of physical currency as a payment method.

Check:  a written, dated, and signed draft that directs a bank to pay a specific sum of money to the bearer.

Amex:  each credit card type (Amex, Visa, Mastercard, etc.) used at the payment terminal will each have their own line item on this report.

Guest Statistics section:  Provides detailed information on guest statistics compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Number of Adults:  number of adults across all occupied rooms

Number of Children:  number of children across all occupied rooms

Average Adults Per Person:  total number of adults divided by the number of occupied rooms

Guest Performance Statistics Section:  Provides detailed information on guest performance statistics compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Average Rate Per Adult:  the average revenue contribution by each adult occupied in the hotel, Average Rate Per Adult = Total Room Revenue / Total Number of Adults.

Average Revenue Per Adult:  dividing the Total Revenue earned during a given time period by the number of adults during the same time period.

Today’s Activity section:  Provides detailed information on today’s reservation transaction activity compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Non Walk In:  count of pre-booked reservations for the day.

Walk In:  count of walk-in reservations for the day.

Cancellations for Today:  count of same-day cancellations.

Cancellations for Future:  count of cancellation requests received on the day, to cancel for future booking dates.

Room Nights Created:  count of new room nights booked on the day.

Room Nights Canceled:  count of room nights canceled on the day.

No Shows:  count of no shows on the day.

Checked Out Today:  count of guest check-outs on the day.

Forecast Guest Statistics section:  Provides detailed information on forecasted reservation activity compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Tomorrow’s Arrivals:  count of arrivals scheduled for the next day.

Guest Count for Tomorrow’s Arrivals:  count of guests scheduled to arrive the next day.

Tomorrow’s Departures:  count of reservations scheduled to depart the next day.

Guest Count for Tomorrow’s Departures:  count of guests scheduled to depart the next day.

Forecast Performance Statistics Section:  Provides detailed information on forecasted performance activity compared to MTD, LY-MTD, the YTD and LY-YTD.

Available Types:

Rooms Occupied For Tomorrow:  percentage of available rooms scheduled to be occupied the next day, calculated by dividing the total number of rooms scheduled to be occupied by the total number of available rooms, then multiplying that decimal by 100.

Rooms Occupied for Next Seven Days:  percentage of available rooms scheduled to be occupied the next 7 days.

Rooms Occupied for Next Month:  percentage of available rooms scheduled to be occupied the next 31 days.

Misc Report Information:

Available Features:

  • Export:  ability to download and save the file into an alternate format.

  • Filter:  filter a range of data based on criteria defined by the user.

  • Highlight:  also known as conditional formatting is the ability to highlight certain values making them easier to identify.

Available Configuration:

  • User Preferences:  allows the user to customize their report view by repositioning or removing columns.

  • Property Preferences:  allows the property to customize the report view for all users by repositioning or removing columns. 

  Baseline Configuration:

  • Property Preferences Settings:

    • Following columns to be disabled for initial deployment:

      • None

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