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Market Segment Summary .ng

Market Segment Summary

Report Description:  The Market Segment Summary report provides the revenue, stays, ADR, occupancy contribution and RevPAR contribution overview by market segment for a defined date.

Date Range: This report can render the data for up to 365 days in the past

Available Report Columns for Following Sections:

Column Name

Column Description

Amount Includes Taxes and Fees



Date of the associated reservations

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Day of Week

Day of Week (Example - Sunday, Monday)

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Market Segment

Market segment associated with the reservation

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Market Segment Code

Market segment code associated with the reservation

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Revenue for the associated date 


=sum(market segment revenue)


Number of stays associated with the market segment

Not Applicable

=sum(market segment stays)


Average Daily Rate for the date and market segment


ADR = (revenue / occupied rooms)

Occupancy Contribution

Occupancy contribution associated with the market segment across the occupancy for the day

Not Applicable

occupancy contribution = (stays) / iInventory - OOO)

Revenue Contribution

RevPAR contribution associated with the market segment across the occupancy for the day

Not Applicable

revenue contribution = (revenue / total hotel inventory)


Number of adult guests associated with the reservation

Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Number of child guests associated with the reservation

Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Total Guests

Total number of guests; Adults and Children

Not Applicable

=sum(adults + children)

Screenshot 2025-02-19 at 4.33.37 PM.png

Misc Report Information:

Available Features:

  • Export:  ability to download and save the file into an alternate format.

  • Filter:  filter a range of data based on criteria defined by the user.

  • Highlight:  also known as conditional formatting is the ability to highlight certain values making them easier to identify.

  • Bar Graph:  ability to view Revenue and Stay data in a bar chart.

  • Grouping:  ability to view the data grouped by:  All, Market Segment, Day of Week_Market Segment

  • Pie Chart:  ability to view grouped data in a Pie Chart view.

Available Configuration:

  • User Preferences:  allows the user to customize their report view by repositioning or removing columns.

  • Property Preferences:  allows the property to customize the report view for all users by repositioning or removing columns. 

  Baseline Configuration:

  • Property Preferences Settings:

    • Following columns to be disabled for initial deployment:

      • Not Applicable

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