Navigating the Dashboard
📆 Revision Date:
The Dashboard screen of RetailKey will give you comprehensive data about the Sales made by the property.
The Dashboard screen provides a snapshot of the following data to scrutinize sale values: | Sales Dashboard |
You can search by selecting a custom date range to view the sale details | |
You can also search the data from the following dropdown to compare it with past data
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The Dashboard also provides a snapshot of the following data to scrutinize: | |
You can search by specific Metric | |
You can also search by the metrics: Category, Department, Product, Vendor or Menu | |
By choosing any of the search criteria listed from the dropdown, you can see the numbers reflected in the pie chart image and the resulting list below that. In the example shown here, we have selected to search by the Sold Metric and by Department: | |
A complete Dashboard snapshot will reflect all the criteria chosen from the options available: Here, we chose the date of Jul 12 compared to Last Year Same Date for the Metrics Sold and Vendor: | |
In the image to the right, we selected the date of Jul 12 comparing Last Year Same Date for the Metrics Sold and Product: | |
As your search provides the results, you can also dive deeper by selecting from the dropdown:
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Here is an example of a search for the Top 10 product sold on the given dates of the search criteria provided | |
If we select the information source icon ℹ for 1800 Silver 1.75, we will be directed automatically to the search order list where this product was sold on this date: |
The Tenders Dashboard screen provides a snapshot of the tender sales by Yesterday, Today, MTD, and YTD as well as Payments | |
Here is an example of selecting MTD tenders and payments |
The Inventory Dashboard screen provides a snapshot of the following data to scrutinize: Stock Value, Purchase Orders, Adjustments and Turnover | |
You can search by selecting a custom date range to view the sale details | |
The Dashboard also provides a snapshot of the following data to scrutinize:
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In the is example, we are selecting the date of Jul 01 for the metric of Stock Value by Vendor Once the results are populated on screen, you can also further scrutinize the details by Top 10, Bottom 10, Top 50, or Bottom 50 |