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Add a Group Rooming List

📆 Revision Date:

From HotelKey Home page, Select Frontdesk then from the Dashboard, select More

Select Group Master from the menu then search the Group Master by Name, Code, Date or its Status and click on it to open

Once selected, click on the Details tab and click on Create

The Add Rooming List screen populates.

To add multiple members, click on the Add Rows button for each room type there is inventory

The screen opens fields where guest details are required to book rooms.

Enter all the required details of the guests for the room type(s), ex: First Name, Last Name, Adults and Children count

When entering all guest names and data is complete, click on Save

Note - When adding the same information for each reservation, click on the copy icon to fill in the rows

Upon saving, you will see the status of the room for the selected dates move from Available to Booked

When completed, the Add Rows button is no longer available when the rooms have been fulfilled and you can now view the confirmation number

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