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Apply Tax Exempt Status to Reservation

📆 Revision Date:

It is important to note that you can add tax exemption on an In House reservation or on an arrivals reservation, steps are the same. This scenario walks through an in house reservation.

Select In House on the Dashboard.

For a future booking, select Search Reservations to locate the booking

Note - You can add tax exemption on an In House reservation or on an arrivals reservation, steps are the same

Dashboard - In House Link

Dashboard - In House Link

A page listing in house reservations loads.

Select the applicable reservation.

In House Reservations Page

In House Reservations Page

The reservation detail page loads.

Select Actions.

The Actions menu opens.

Select “Room Tax-Exempt”.

The Tax Exempt popup activates.

Select Tax Exemption Code.

Tax Exempt Popup

Tax Exempt Popup

The Select Exempt Code popup activates. Taxes being exempted are listed for each tax exemption code.

Select the applicable tax exemption code.

Select Exempt Code Popup

Select Exempt Code Popup

The Select Exempt Code popup closes.

Back on the Tax Exempt popup, optionally enter Notes.

Select Apply Tax Exemption to save selections and close the popup.

Tax Exempt Popup - Apply Tax Exemption Link

Tax Exempt Popup - Apply Tax Exemption Link

The How do you want to apply Tax Exemption? popup activates.

  • Select Apply Per Definition to apply the exemption as configured for the entire reservation stay dates.

  • Select Apply Selectively to be given the option of selecting tax exemption for specific days of the reservation as well as selecting which taxes will be exempt for the days.

For example, in the Select Exempt Code popup shown above the PERMANENT GUEST exemption type is configured to exempt “CITY TAX”, “STATE TAX” and “SALES TAX”. Select Apply Per Definition to exempt all of those taxes per the configuration, select Apply Selectively to open a form that allows individual de-selection of any or all three of those exemptions for this reservation only. see image on right

How do you want to apply Tax Exemption? Popup

Example of selective taxes

A Confirmation page loads.

Select Confirm to close the Confirmation page and apply the tax exemption to the selected reservation.

Confirm Changes Popup

Confirm Changes Popup

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