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Assign Single Room to a Housekeeper

📆 Revision Date:

The following steps are to assign a single dirty room to a Housekeeper.

To assign multiple rooms to multiple housekeepers, See Express Assign Rooms to Housekeepers

Select the Dirty Rooms tile on the Dashboard.

Dashboard - Dirty Rooms Tile

Dashboard - Dirty Rooms Tile

The Housekeeping page loads. Select the applicable room from those shown at the bottom of the page.

Room details screen populates.

Select Assign Housekeeper

A Select Housekeeper popup activates.

Select the applicable housekeeper. The selected housekeeper’s icon changes from their initials to a checkmark. Select the blue Assign button.

Select Housekeeper Popup

Select Housekeeper Popup

A Confirm Assignee popup activates, containing a confirmation message at the bottom. Select the blue Confirm button.

Confirm Assignee Popup

Confirm Assignee Popup

The popup closes and the Housekeeping page is updated, showing the assigned housekeeper’s initials added to the applicable room.

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