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Clear General Maintenance Issue

📆 Revision Date:

Follow the steps below to clear a general maintenance request when the maintenance task is complete.

Select the Maintenance tab to view all currently active maintenance requests.

Requests associated with a single room appear in a RENTABLE or NON RENTABLE list.

General requests (e.g., carpet cleaning or plumbing upgrades for an entire floor or building) appear in the GENERAL MAINTENANCE list.

Note that each list only populates if there is a RENTABLE, NON RENTABLE or GENERAL MAINTENANCE request, respectively. In the example shown there are no RENTABLE maintenance requests.

Select the applicable GENERAL MAINTENANCE item.

Maintenance Tab - Request List

Maintenance Tab - Request List

The Issue Details panel opens.


Maintenance Issue Details Panel

Maintenance Issue Details Panel

A confirmation step activates.

Select Confirm Fix to confirm the maintenance task is complete.

Confirmation Step

Confirmation Step


The issue is cleared from the Maintenance tab request list.

Maintenance Tab - Request List

Maintenance Tab - Request List

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