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Clerk Shift

📆 Revision Date:

The Clerk Shift Report provides comprehensive financial details of a selected shift. The report includes the following five sections, each of which is detailed below: Payment Information, Deposit Information, Cash Drops (aka “Safe Drops”), Summary and Cash Paid Out.

Clerk Shift Report - Payment Information

Clerk Shift Report - Payment Information

The Payment Information section lists all forms of payment accepted by the property, and shows Actual, Adjusted and Net Today figures for each during the selected shift. Note that Payment Type items listed in this section vary according to the forms of payment accepted by the property: a given property may have more, fewer, or different Payment Type line items than those shown.

Where credit cards are accepted a Credit Card Payments section populates, as shown in the example above.

Clerk Shift Report - Deposit Information

Clerk Shift Report - Deposit Information

The Deposit Information section lists all property deposits during the selected shift, broken down by Payment Type used by the property to make the deposit, and shows Actual, Adjusted and Net Today figures for each. Note that Payment Type listed in the report vary according to the forms of payment used by the property to make deposits, a given property may have more, less, or different Payment Type line items than those shown.

Clerk Shift Report - Cash Drops

Clerk Shift Report - Cash Drops

The Cash Drops (aka “Safe Drops”) section lists drops of cash to the property safe, if any.

Clerk Shift Report - Summary

Clerk Shift Report - Summary

The Summary section lists Actual, Adjusted and Net Today figures for Cash Drops (aka “Safe Drops”) during the selected shift, comparing the system-calculated total of cash taken in during the selected shift to the total of actual drops and calculating any difference. Overages are indicated with (o) and shortages are indicated with (s), as shown in the example above,

Clerk Shift Report - Cash Paid Out Section

Clerk Shift Report - Cash Paid Out Section

The Cash Paid Out section lists any withdrawals against petty cash / the property account, including the Expense Type logged for the draw, Amount of the draw, Time of the draw, and Username of the staff member who made the draw.

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