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Collect Payment Against a Company Invoice

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Select More from the Dashboard sidebar menu.

Dashboard - Sidebar Menu More Link

Dashboard - Sidebar Menu More Link

Select the Local Companies link from the expanded sidebar menu.

Dashboard Expanded Sidebar Menu

Dashboard Expanded Sidebar Menu

The local company details page loads. Select the Payments panel.

On the Payments panel, select the line item to which the payment is to be applied.

Local Company Details - Payments Panel

Local Company Details - Payments Panel

The Company Payments panel loads.

Select Add New Payment.

Company Payments Panel

Company Payments Panel

The Add New Payment popup activates.

Enter Payment Amount, Select Payment Option (“Card on File” or “Other Payment”), then select Next.

Add New Payment Popup

Add New Payment Popup

The Confirm Payment popup activates.

Select Confirm to confirm the payment.

Create Payment Popup

Create Payment Popup

The popup closes.

Back on the Payments panel of the Company Payments page, select the payment line item.

Company Payments Page - Payments Line Item

Company Payments Page - Payments Line Item

Select Apply Payments.

Payments Panel - Apply Payments Link

Payments Panel - Apply Payments Link

A payment processing popup activates, open to the Select Invoices panel by default.

Select the invoice to which the payment is to be applied, then select Next.

Payment Processing Popup - Select Invoices

Payment Processing Popup - Select Invoices

The popup advances to the Allocations panel.

Enter the Settlement Amount (this is the payment amount), then select Next.

Payment Processing Popup - Allocations

Payment Processing Popup - Allocations

The popup advances to the Confirmation panel.

Select Confirm & Close to apply the payment to the invoice.

If the payment amount is equal to the invoice balance, the payment settles the invoice.

Confirmation Panel - Confirm and Close

Confirmation Panel - Confirm and Close

The popup closes and back on the Payments panel the payment is applied.

If applicable, the invoice is settled.

Payment is Applied on Payments Panel

Payment is Applied on Payments Panel

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