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Create a Derived Rate Plan

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Select the property on HK Home and click on Rate Administration.

Select the Add New Rate Plan tab to start creating a Derived Rate Plan.

Enter the Name and unique Code for the Rate Plan.

From the filter select option Inactive; list of all Inactive Rate Plans will be shown.

Pull the created Rate Plan from the search bar and click on the tab Activate.

In the Rate Plan Activation screen, access the Derived Rate Plan widget by entering the plan details.

Select "Show derived rates" if applicable.

Choose the Parent Rate Plan from the dropdown and specify the value as amount or percentage.

Adjust toggle, enter the value, and click on Proceed.

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 2.53.39 PM.png

Choose Room Types from the list and enter the corresponding amounts for each that you wish to associate with your Derived Rate Plan.

Next, Select Sources screen will be displayed.

Click on the checkbox placed in front of the Sources to associate them with this Derived Rate Plan.

Note: Multiple Sources can be selected.

System will proceed with the mapping process of each step.

Once done, click on the "Close" button to complete the flow.

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