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Create a Group Master

📆 Revision Date:

This article covers the steps to create a reservation for a non business associated group of guests, such as a travel tour group.

Select Group Master on the Dashboard.

Dashboard - Group Master Link

Dashboard - Group Master Link

The New Group panel loads.

Enter the applicable Start Date and End Date for the reservation.

Select the Rate Plan field.

New Group Panel - Select A Rate Plan

New Group Panel - Select A Rate Plan

The Select Rate Plan popup loads.

Select the radio button next to the applicable group Rate Plan Name.

Note that in this example the name includes the word “group”, but this may not be true of all group rate plan names at all properties.

Select Done to continue.

Select Group Inventory option and click on Confirm

  • Create Allocations - this will remove rooms from general inventory and hold in a block for group members only

  • Set Available to Sell - this will allow for the group rate to be sold on all available rooms in hotel inventory during the group dates. No rooms will be held in a block

The Group Inventory popup activates, with “Tentative Group” selected by default.

Choose from the Group Inventory types and click on Next

  • Tentative Group - This option does not hold group rooms from general inventory

  • Definite Group - This option holds rooms in a group block and allows only for member reservations

Note that for Prospect Group - This option exists only for properties where EventKey is being utilized. The option serves as a tracking for group inquiries and will not deduct inventory or allow for group member reservations.

The New Group panel loads for room type allocation.

Use the plus sign icon to the right of each applicable Room Type to be allocated: select once to allocate one of the associated Room Type.

Select Next to continue.

The Review Allotments panel loads to review room allocations.

If allocations are correct, select Next to continue

If needed, use the back arrow at the upper right to go back and make changes.

The Update Pricing popup loads.

Update the pricing for the room types by entering the amount in the blank space shown on the screen besides the person icon

Click on the person icon to define pricing for extra persons, fill in the amount and click on Done

Note - entering an amount in the Extra Person Price field will auto populate the remaining field amounts for all additional person counts. Enter pricing separately for each person to differentiate

After entering pricing for Extra Persons, the initial update pricing screen populates.

Click on the copy icon on the first room type and rate will auto fill the pricing for all the room types listed. Once all room types have an associated room rate, the Done button is activated - click on it to proceed

Note - should you wish to add different pricing for each room type, simply enter the dollar value associated with the room type and update the additional person pricing for each, if applicable

The Group Rate Plan - Rate Calendar Panel loads, displaying Room Type and pricing details.

Review the room types and rates for each Select Next to continue.

Group Rate Plan - Rate Calendar Panel

Group Rate Plan - Rate Calendar Panel

The Review Cut Off Date panel loads.

Select the Select Cut off Type field to open it and select the applicable type. Click on Next when done

  • “Single Cut Off” sets a specific date when unreserved rooms held for the group are released back to inventory. When this option is chosen a field populates for date selection.

  • “Rolling Cut Off” allows for more flexible, staged release of unreserved group rooms by setting a number of days before each night of the group block to automatically release unreserved rooms back to inventory. When this option is chosen a field populates for entry of number of days.

When required fields are completed (cut off type with date or number of days) the Next link populates. Select it to continue.

The Billing Configuration panel loads.

Select the preferred Billing Configuration and click on Next to continue.

Note that when a billing type is selected its details display at the bottom left of the panel, as shown at right.

Billing Configuration Panel

Billing Configuration Panel

Select the guarantee type from the given options and click on Next

The Enter Contact Info panel loads.

Enter details for the group’s designated contact person. Select Create to create the group master

You can also copy the profile from Corporate ID, Existing Contact, or an associated Travel Agent

A Success popup briefly displays and you will be taken to the group created

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