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Create a Rate Group

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Select the property on HK Home and click on Rate Administration.

Hover on Rates and select the option Rate Group from the menu.

Click on the Add New Rate Group tab to start the creation process.

A wizard will initiate and the screen to add Basic Data will appear.

Enter details in the provided fields: Name, unique Code, Rate Group Type, Rate Groups availability for property bookings, and Corporate ID this rate group belongs to.

Select Next when all the fields are added

Select Rate Plans screen will be displayed.

Click on the radio button of all the rate plans you want to attach to this rate group.

Note: Use the search bar to efficiently attach specific rate plans.

Once all required rate plans are added, select Next.

Rates Plans list will be displayed to indicate the newly created Rate Plan has been added to the list and so the user can verify.

Screenshot 2024-04-25 at 4.24.54 PM.png

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