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Create Company Invoice

📆 Revision Date:

Select More from the Dashboard sidebar menu.

Dashboard - Sidebar Menu More Link

Dashboard - Sidebar Menu More Link

Select the Local Companies link from the expanded sidebar menu.

Dashboard Expanded Sidebar Menu

Dashboard Expanded Sidebar Menu

On the local companies detail page, select Accounts Receivable from the sidebar menu.

Select the applicable company record.

Local Companies Detail Page - Accounts Receivable Panel

Local Companies Detail Page - Accounts Receivable Panel

The Accounts Receivable Details panel loads.

Select the Transaction Number for which the invoice needs to be created, then select Create Invoice.

Accounts Receivable Details Panel

Accounts Receivable Details Panel

The Invoice Confirmation popup activates.

Select Confirm to create the invoice.

Invoice Confirmation Popup

Invoice Confirmation Popup

The invoice is created and a confirmation message displays.

Select View Invoice.

Invoice Created - View Invoice Link

Invoice Created - View Invoice Link

The popup closes.

Back on the Invoice Details panel, select Print Invoice to print the invoice in PDF format.

Print Invoice Link

Print Invoice Link

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