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Create Event Proposal

πŸ“† Revision Date:

Select the property on HK Home and click on EventKey Manage Events.

Select the Create a Proposal tab.

A widget will open to select the Proposal Type

Once done, click Next.

The wizard will advance to step 2.

Contact Info screen will be displayed.
Enter details in the fields: First and Last name, entire Address, and Phone Number.

Select Next to proceed.

The wizard advances to step 3, Select Spaces.

Select a space for the proposed event from the Spaces list.

Select the desired time slot from available slots.

Select Add

If space is not available, Not Available will show instead of β€œAdd”

The Create Sub Event popup screen will be displayed.

Complete the fields on the popup.

Note: The Payment Summary section shown in the second image at right doesn’t populate until a Price Plan is selected.

Select Save.

Packages: Add in packages for this event

Edit: Edit the current details

Copy: Copy current details to all days booked for event

Remove: Remove the entire line of details for space booking.

The Wizard advances to step 4, Guarantee Information.

Select a Cancellation Policy, Advance Deposit Policy and Cut off Date.

Note: Guarantee requirements and policies vary by property, entry of a PO Number or completion of Payment Information may or may not be required.

To enter Payment Information, select the applicable payment type (Credit Card, Direct Bill).
A popup activates for entry of payment details.

Select Next.

The wizard advances to step 5, Review.

Review the proposed event details shown.

Select Previous to go back to prior steps and make changes.

Select Confirm to create the proposal.

The Event Proposal will be created.

Note: PROSPECT status label is shown at the top centre.

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