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Creating Packages

πŸ“† Revision Date:

Step 1: Create A Charge Type

On the home page of the HotelKey web application, select Property Settings in the Administration section.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 4.13.23 PM.png

Navigate to Accounting Setup then click on Charge Types and then New.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.44.15 AM.png

A Create Charge Type popup loads.

Enter the applicable Name, Code and Charge Category, and Charge Category Type then select Confirm.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.45.47 AM.png

Popup loads : Select the payment collection terms you would like to associate the charge type with and click on Confirm or you can choose to skip

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 11.48.30 AM.png

Step 2: Create A Package Element

Navigate to HK Home and select Rate Administration.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 12.16.35 PM.png

Hover over Rates to open the menu options and click on Package Elements

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 12.17.54 PM.png

The Package Elements panel loads.

Select Add New Package Element.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 12.20.10 PM.png

The Add New Package Element panel loads.

Complete Name and Code for fields for the Package Element.

Select the + at the bottom to add the Package Element.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 12.21.23 PM.png

The Edit Package Element panel opens.

Select the charge type that was created in Step 1 above.

Select the Charge Type, Posting Type, Quantity Type and amounts.

Available options for Posting Type and Quantity Type are shown at right, the remainder of the fields populate based on the selections made here.

Note that it’s possible to add multiple charge types with different posting requirements by selecting the + icon at the bottom of the panel.

Select Save.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 1.17.32 PM.png

Posting Type

Posting Type

Quantity Type

Quantity Type

Step 3: Create Package Rate

From HK Home, navigate to Rate Administration

Hover over Rates to open the menu options and click on Package Rates

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 8.29.58 PM.png

The Package Rates panel loads.

Select Add New Package Rate.

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 8.42.10 PM.png

The Add New Package Rate panel loads.

Complete the fields:

  1. Name - This will be the Package name displayed on the Booking Engine and Front Desk.

  2. Code - unique internal identifier for this package rate

  3. Select the rate plan you would like the package to be derived from (package element cost added to)

  4. Select the package element(s)

  5. Summarize Rates and Charges: NO

  6. Dynamically Add Charge Amount on Rates: YES

  7. Allowed for Groups: NO

  8. Allowance: NO

  9. Description of the package - this will show on the booking engine as well as the Front Desk when selecting the package information.

  10. Image(s)

  11. Image(s)

When complete, click on Confirm

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 8.44.53 PM.png
Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 8.47.18 PM.png

Attach a Booking Profile page loads

Select the Booking Profile from the dropdown then click on Confirm

This selection controls where the package is displayed and bookable

Screenshot 2024-08-21 at 8.48.52 PM.png

Step 4: Test the Package

Navigate to HK Home, Select Front Desk

Click on New Booking.

Front Desk - New Booking Link

Front Desk - New Booking Link

As the number of adults and children changes, the package amount changes as well.

New Booking Panel

New Booking Panel

Changing Guest Numbers Updates Package Amount

Changing Guest Numbers Updates Package Amount

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