Hotel Statistics
📆 Revision Date:
The Hotel Statistics Report provides a comprehensive summary of all major property metrics for a selected date, with sections for Room Statistics, Performance Statistics, Revenue Statistics, Taxes, Guest Statistics, Today’s Activity, and Forecasting. Each section contains the following data columns:
Column Name | Description |
Actual Today | total for the selected reporting day |
M-T-D | month to date total |
LY-M-T-D | last year’s month to date total on the same day, for comparison |
Y-T-D | year to date total |
LY-T-D | last year’s year to date total on the same day, for comparison |
Specific column contents vary by section, and are described in greater detail below.
Room Statistics

Total Rooms | total count of all rooms |
Out of Order | count of all out of order rooms |
Same Day Checkout | count of rooms scheduled for same day checkout |
Stay Overs | count of rooms with scheduled stay over guests |
Comp Rooms | count of complimentary rooms |
House Rooms | |
Room Sold | count of sold rooms |
Room Sold Excluding Comp, House use Rooms | count of rooms sold excluding complimentary and house rooms |
Performance Statistics

Hotel Statistics Report - Performance Statistics Section
Occupancy % (OOS) | percentage of rooms that are Out of Service (OOS) [these are rooms placed in short term maintenance mode] do not deduct from inventory, which means the room will still show in the statistics as a valid room to be sold |
Occupancy % | percentage of available rooms occupied, calculated by dividing the total number of occupied rooms by the total number of available rooms, then multiplying that decimal by 100 (e.g., 86 rooms occupied / 120 rooms available = .72, .72 * 100 = 72, occupancy rate is 72%) |
ADR | Average Daily Rate: the average rate charged for a room associated with each rate group on the specific date, calculated by dividing the total revenue by the number of stays |
RevPAR (OOS) | OOS rooms do not affect the property's occupancy or REVPAR calculations |
RevPAR | total revenue generated by each rate group on the specific date, divided by the number of available rooms |
Revenue Statistics

Hotel Statistics Report - Revenue Statistics Section
Taxable Room Revenue | room revenue that is taxable |
Exempt Room Revenue | room revenue that is not taxable |
Total Room Revenue | total of taxable and non-taxable room revenue |
Misc Revenue | [section title, no data in this row] |
POS CHARGE | revenue from Point of Sale transactions |
POS TIPS | revenue from gratuities |
Total Misc Revenue | total of miscellaneous revenue |
Total Revenue | total of all room and miscellaneous revenue |

Hotel Statistics Report - Taxes Section
Taxable SALES TAX | hotel occupancy tax is a tax placed on each nights’ stay at a hotel. This can also be referred to as hotel lodging tax, tourist tax, room tax or sales tax. |
Exempted SALES TAX | any taxable sales tax that is exempt from being charged due to approval by governing officials, offices or other exempt institutions. |
Total Taxes | total sales tax charges |
Guest Statistics

Hotel Statistics Report - Guest Statistics Section
Number of Adults | number of adults across all occupied rooms |
Number of Children | number of children across all occupied rooms |
Total Guests | total of adults and children across all occupied rooms |
Average Adults Per Room | total number of adults divided by the number of occupied rooms |
Average Rate Per Adult | the average revenue contribution by each adult occupied in the hotel, Average Rate Per Adult = Total Room Revenue / Total Number of Adults Example - Total Adults for a date = 410. Total Room Revenue for that same date = 70,000. Average Rate Per Adult is 70,000 / 410 = 170.73 |
Average Revenue Per Adult | dividing the Total Revenue earned during a given time period by the number of adults during the same time period. |
Today’s Activity

Hotel Statistics Report - Today’s Activity Section
Non Walk-In Reservations | count of pre-booked reservations for the day |
Walk Ins | count of walk-in reservations for the day |
Total Reservations | total of all reservations for the day |
Cancellation for Today’s Arrival | count of same-day cancellations |
Cancellations for Future | count of cancellation requests received on the day, to cancel for future booking dates |
Total Cancelled | total of all cancellations for the day |
Room Nights Created | count of new room nights booked on the day |
Room Nights Cancelled | count of room nights cancelled on the day |
No Shows | count of no shows on the day |
Checked Out Today | count of guest check-outs on the day |

Hotel Statistics Report - Forecasting Section
Arrival Reservations for Tomorrow | count of arrivals scheduled for the next day |
Arrival Persons for Tomorrow | count of guests scheduled to arrive the next day |
Departure Reservations for Tomorrow | count of reservations scheduled to depart the next day |
Departure Persons for Tomorrow | count of guests scheduled to depart the next day |
Occupancy % for Tomorrow | percentage of available rooms scheduled to be occupied the next day, calculated by dividing the total number of rooms scheduled to be occupied by the total number of available rooms, then multiplying that decimal by 100 (e.g., 86 rooms scheduled to be occupied / 120 rooms available = .72, .72 * 100 = 72, occupancy rate for the next day is 72%) |
Occupancy % for the next 7 days | percentage of available rooms scheduled to be occupied the next 7 days |
Occupancy % for the next 31 days | percentage of available rooms scheduled to be occupied the next 31 days |