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View Housekeeping Assignments by Housekeeper Name

πŸ“† Revision Date:

When the Assign tab is selected, by default it loads a list of rooms that need to be assigned for service.

Notice that there is a two dot menu at the bottom of this tab and when the room list is displayed, the dot on the left is selected.

Room List Dot

Room List Dot

Select the dot on the right to view a list of available Housekeepers.

Select a Housekeeper name from the list to view that person’s assigned rooms.

Housekeeper List Dot

Housekeeper List Dot

The Housekeeping tab loads, displaying a list of rooms assigned to the selected Housekeeper.

Notice that the filter icon at the upper right is labeled with a β€œ1”, meaning that one filter has been applied to the Housekeeping tab room list (Housekeeper name).

Also notice that the name of the selected Housekeeper displays at the top of the filtered list.

Filtered Housekeeping Room List

Filtered Housekeeping Room List

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